Mon 7/26 - Fri 7/30, 9:30 AM - 12 PM ~ Bake Shoppe I (Ages 8-12)
Mon, Jul 26
|The Cooking Lab
Young bakers will prepare classic American and French desserts while learning essential pastry skills (please note we will prepare the same recipes as in the 6/28-7/2 session)

Time & Location
Jul 26, 2021, 9:30 AM – Jul 30, 2021, 12:00 PM
The Cooking Lab, 160 Main Street, Port Washington, NY, USA
About The Event
Bake Shoppe I (Ages 11 & up)
Join us at The Cooking Lab for five days of creative baking as we practice essential pastry skills in a fun & hands-on environment led by Chef Mat (please note we will prepare the same recipes as in the 6/28-7/2 session)
Our teaching space consists of eight (8) separate cooking stations that each accommodates one individual (or two individuals living in the same household, i.e., siblings, a couple, parent/child). The stations are spaced out so that the student(s) at each station are six feet apart from the student(s) at other stations. We have made a significant investment to equip each station with its own set of cookware and tools and in doing so, students are able to remain at their own stations and use their own equipment. No equipment will be shared. Siblings who register for the same session will be seated together at the same station.
As each student will be cooking at his or her own individual station, it is essential that our young chefs be able to pay attention and follow instructions. As such, we ask for you to kindly comply with the age requirement listed for the session for which you’re registering. These rules are in place for the safety and enjoyment of your child and the other children in the session.
We require a minimum enrollment of four students to run each scheduled session.
Given the very limited capacity of our in-person classes, there are no refunds or make-ups under any circumstances after registration. Sorry, no exceptions!
The health and safety of our staff and students is our number one priority and as such, we have strong protocols in place for their well-being. While keeping our classes small will give the chef instructor the ability to enforce protocols, we will automatically pivot to a virtual format if and when we deem it necessary for the safety of our staff and students. No price adjustments will be made in the event of these circumstances.
Students will be required to wear masks at all times during the cooking class. The only exception is when they sample the food they prepared during class.
Temperature checks and health screening surveys will be administered prior to each class. Parents are required to escort their children to the door where a temperature check will be administered by a staff mem-ber. Parents must drop-off their child on time (no early drop-offs) and wait until the temperature check in is complete. Parents will not be permitted to remain during the class and are asked to wait outside to pick up at the end of class.
Students are expected to remain at their individual stations and spaced six feet apart from one another. Siblings who register for the same session will be seated together at a station.
All surfaces will be thoroughly sanitized and disinfected in between classes.
The Cooking Lab Summer Camp
$395.00Sold Out
This event is sold out